Preparing the Way: Planning a Racial Reconciliation Pilgrimage
More and more dioceses and congregations are looking to live into our Baptismal Covenant by taking young people and adults on pilgrimage journeys to challenge our understandings and confront our hard history as country (and as a church). Learn a process of setting up a meaningful experience in both the practical (nuts and bolts) pieces of pilgrimage or mission trip planning but also the spiritual, theological, and liturgical parts to challenge their community on social justice issues in a unique way.
Audience: Youth, Young Adult, and Adult Ministries
Kate Huston is the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries in the Episcopal Diocese of Oklahoma. She leads ministry to youth and young adults in the Diocese of Oklahoma by consulting with local congregations, providing educational resources and training, and enhancing Diocesan programs for young people.Kate Huston